ALIKAS - Professional lighting design and realization » References

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SIKO building reconstruction Pilsen

SIKO building reconstruction PilsenSIKO building reconstruction PilsenSIKO building reconstruction Pilsen

Reconstruction of commercial spaces into Siko company spaces. Complete technical design and delivery of luminaires. 2013.


Sports hall in Pilsen

Sports hall in PilsenSports hall in PilsenSports hall in Pilsen

Reconstruction of sports hall TJ Lokomotiva Pilsen. Complete technical design and delivery of luminaires. 2013.


University of Economy Jindřichův Hradec

University of Economy Jindřichův HradecUniversity of Economy Jindřichův HradecUniversity of Economy Jindřichův Hradec

Reconstruction of University of Economics. Technical solution and delivery of luminaires. 2013.


Technical and Economy University České Budějovice

Technical and Economy University České BudějoviceTechnical and Economy University České BudějoviceTechnical and Economy University České Budějovice

Reconstruction of lecture spaces. Technical solution and delivery of luminaires. 2013.


Strakonická 2646
370 04 České Budějovice

+420 386 444 493
+420 386 321 322

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